Tuesday, July 5, 2011

15 Month Bandiversary and a Fill!

I meant to post this last week. Obviously I'm a little late as usual. I will work on the photos for the next day or so...

Sunday the 19th was my 15 month bandiversary. I also just got a fill for the first time in almost a year! I got a .3 cc fill and now I am at a total of 7.8 ccs. I hadn't lost any weight in the past three months and was starting to snack again. So, I figured it was time to get a teeny tiny fill. I really hope this does the trick. I'm sure it will definitely jump start something since I am having to be on liquids for a few days. Gosh, it's been so long since I have had to do that.  I'm going to have to get some more Click because I am running desperately low and I will be drinking it more often the next few days. Got to get some more Silk too! I also went to Chili's after my appointment and got some of my favorite chicken enchilada soup. Yum!

I also wanted to give a shout out to Vicky. She just had gastric bypass on Thursday. I wish her all the best and success with her surgery!


Vicky said...

Thank you so much, Kelly!! I am 13 days post op and have lost 19.5 pounds. I am flabbergasted. I even started back up at the gym today...it was short and I'm ready for a nap, but I started back. That has to be a good sign, right?

I feel for you on the fluids. I've just graduated to soft foods. One new food a day is what I can add. Yay!

Keep up the good work. Your story has been one of my true inspirations to move forward to take care of me. Thank you so much for this blog.


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